Africa Wakes Up to IoT: Morocco Leads the Way

The Internet of Things (#IoT) is revolutionizing the world, and Africa is no exception. In Morocco, the government has realized the importance of this technology for the country’s economic development and has established various initiatives to support IoT startups.

In 2018, the Moroccan government launched the “Smart Morocco” project, aimed at developing information and communication technologies in the country. The project includes a component dedicated to IoT, with the objective of making Morocco a hub for IoT startups in Africa.

Morocco has also created a favorable ecosystem for IoT startups by encouraging collaboration between companies, universities, and research centers. In 2019, the city of Casablanca hosted the first “IoT Morocco Summit,” an event dedicated to IoT that attracted hundreds of participants from around the world.

Moroccan IoT startups have also benefited from the government’s financial support, with several investment funds dedicated to the growth of IoT companies. Additionally, the government has simplified business creation processes for IoT startups, making it easier to bring new products and services to market.

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